“Tak dapat tido doktor”
The usual complaint I heard from almost ALL first-time parents during postnatal follow-up. To be honest I complained the same when I had my first baby. I would rather be oncall (that 36hours oncall) than taking care of my baby.
Jaga baby memang tak senang. Mana tak nya, tak de manual. Kita beli apa-apa pon ada manual. Bila dapat baby semua kena belajar sendiri. Try and error macam tu. Untung kepada sesiapa yg ada ahli keluarga yg boleh tolong tengok-tengokkan.
I am so glad that a very good friend of mine, introduced me to this book called “The Contented Little Baby” by Gina Ford. I was skeptical about this book initially because there were quite a few of not so nice comments about it. It gave me the impression that as though Gina asked us to “train” our babies – so called “parent-led” parenting (as opposed to baby led). Also, some people thought that Gina encourages us to let baby cry sendiri sampai stop + tak pro breastfeeding. Actually, not really (in my opinion). Gina just suggests routine so that we can follow as guidance.
So in this book, Gina kasi suggestions what to do week by week since baby lahir. Bila nak mandikan baby, bila nak susukan, clue-clue yg baby tak ok, agak-agak berapa kena bagi susu and macam-macam lagi details. Certain parents, they are naturally good at taking care of their babies. For me, I tak natural. For my first baby - I baca buku ni bila baby dah lebih 4 bulan. So mcm dah terlambat. To be honest, for my first baby, I struggled (masa ni my husband was not with me – posting ke negeri lain so ada waktu weekend je). I stayed with my parents, but often I handled my baby myself because I didn’t want to trouble them... I can totally relate if you tell me it is hard – trust me thou,,, it eventually gets better.
Untuk 2nd and 3rd sons, I tried to follow this book and it worked for me!! I could predict bila anak I lapar, (jgn sampai tunggu lama, if u lambat ada chance baby mengamuk), I couldn tell bila baby tak selesa, my susu cukup (sebab buku ni ada mention juga bila nak pump susu, bila nak feed baby), I got enough rest (enough means good 3 hours max – hahahaha) and eventually my baby tido malam lama. So mmg tak stress jaga no 2 and no 3. Lain sangat. Bila baby contented, kita pon less stress.
I hope this post helps those who needs some guidance. It may not suit everyone, but it certainly worked for me!
*I got my book from MPH. I think now boleh beli online
*ni saje-saje review, I tak de kaitan ngan Gina 😚 hihihihi