I did a video on GBS, lepas tu tgk comments ramai yg kena GBS yg sampai kehilangan baby ....sedih dengar cerita mereka ni..
Masa mula-mula start O&G dulu my perception towards screening for GBS was different. Ikut UK guideline lerr katakan... i understand that it is rare, 5/1000 macam tu hence the impression that i got was tak payah routinely test. Until I met this patient who lost 2 children in the second trimester. Both miscarried, test confirmed GBS.
I followed her up in her 3rd pregnancy, screen awal and treat the GBS..Nervous juga jaga patient ni sebab ye lahh, 2 kali dah gugur.. tabah org nyaa..
Dipendekkan cerita - Alhamdulillah kali ke 3 ni selamat baby nya...
From that on, I mmg test laa for GBS. simple test to me, no harm, kalau ade boleh treat and insyaAllah selamat baby....