Kadang - kadang bila kita bercakap kita tak sedar apa yang kita cakap tu mungkin buat orang terasa.
Ingat dulu zaman² I was at university... umur awal 20an - tak berapa matured sangat; after a long time I haven't seen a friend- the thing that I said to her when we met was "eh you nampak chubby!" Dia terus merajuk... at that time initally I slow sikit nak paham what I said her feelings. Until later on dia bagi tau kenapa then I mintak maaf and I was lucky she's ok with me after that.
Ada satu pesakit yg I came across ni, usia 30an yg ada bnyk fibroid. Sebab fibroid ni, die seolah olah kelihatan mengandung sebab fibroid buat die nampak ada perut. She told me banyak kali orang tanya dia kalau die mengandung.. sebab banyak kali kena tanya (when she's not pregnant) that question got into her. With the fibroids that she had, luckily she did not have symptoms (apart from people commenting on her). Her fibroids were the type that were away from the endometrial lining. Her fibroids were subserosal and pedunculated.
Well, because she cannot stand people talking about her, she decided for myomectomy (removal of the fibroid)..
So I removed all of those from her. The largest was about 7cm, and the smallest was 7mm. If the fibroids were not this many - maybe I could have removed them laparoscopically.
Lesson learnt - pause and think before we say/ask something. It may hurt other people's feeling. To those patients I have wronged, please forgive me. I am still learning....
Have a nice day 😍