Pregnancy journey
From a tiny seed to a blossoming miracle, each pregnancy journey is a beautiful adventure filled with anticipation, love, and growth.
I will guide you through your pregnancy and give you tailored
advice and solutions to address
your concerns.
The diagram shows an overview of your antenatal follow-up with me. The timing of the tests/treatments done may vary.
The size of the fetus is about 38cm and weighs about 1kg
28 weeks
A modified glucose tolerance test (MGTT) is usually done around this time. For those with significant risk factors, the MGTT will be done earlier.
TDaP - stands for Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular Pertussis. By giving this injection to pregnant mothers, the risk of whooping cough in babies younger than 2 months old will be reduced by 78%.
The size of the fetus is about 16.5cm and weighs about 280g
20 weeks
The main purpose of the fetal anomaly scan (FAS is is to thoroughly assess the pregnancy and determine the presence of rare conditions, including those of the brain, spine, and heart.
Influenza vaccination is given to prevent severe flu infection in pregnancy.
The size of the fetus is about 57mm and weighs about 14g
12 weeks
A nuchal translucency (NT) scan will be performed. NT is the scan appearance of a fluid collection under the skin behind the fetal neck in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac defects and many genetic syndromes, the NT thickness is increased.
Cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA) is a blood test to detect chromosomal abnormalities.
38 weeks
Your baby is term (term is defined > 37weeks).
The size of the fetus is about 50cm and weighs about 3kg
The size of the fetus is about 4mm at 6weeks
Booking visit
Booking or the first antenatal visit is super important. I need to know everything about you (pre-existing medical & surgical conditions, family history etc.) to identify and manage risks early to avoid complications in your pregnancy.